Lillium Asiatic


Asiatic lillies are easy dependable perennials that put on a great show in the early summer. They are excellent for cutting and a great choice for tubs or mixed containers.

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Asiatic lillies are easy dependable perennials that put on a great show in the early summer. They are excellent for cutting and a great choice for tubs or mixed containers.

Asiatic lillies are easy dependable perennials that put on a great show in the early summer. They are excellent for cutting and a great choice for tubs or mixed containers.

Heuchera 'Dark Storm' Coral Bells
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' Japanese Forest Grass
Kniphoofia Torch Lilly
Athyrium nipponicum 'Crested Surf' Painted Fern
Echinacea purpurea varieties
from $16.99